
J. Jaroszewska, A note on iterated function systems with discontinuous probabilities, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 49 (2013), pp. 28–31,
J. Jaroszewska, On asymptotic equicontinuity of Markov transition functions, Statistics & Probability Letters 83(3) (2013), pp. 943–951,
J. Jaroszewska, How to construct asymptotically stable iterated function systems, Statistics & Probability Letters 78(12) (2008), pp. 1570-1576,
J. Jaroszewska, M. Rams, On the Hausdorff dimension of invariant measures of weakly contracting on average measurable IFS, Journal of Statistical Physics 132(5) (2008), pp. 907-919,, the first draft of the paper is available at arxiv: here [CLICK!]
J. Jaroszewska, Iterated function systems with continuous place dependent probabilities, Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, 40 (2002); the paper is commonly available at the internet and probably this is the reason of it’s popularity.

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